Not saying you were—I was referencing the original piece, itself. Sorry if I caused confusion on that point.
Well, we both are far left of fundamentalism—I never was a fundamentalist. My father was a devout believer (also not a fundamentalist)—he also believed that a multitude of versions was best if you didn’t know Greek.
The KJV was great back in 1611, I suppose—but, yeah—it’s source (the “Received Text”) is flawed. I’m a bit taken aback by some groups I’ve encountered (e.g., “The KJV Only Baptist Church”—seriously— in my own community!).
For what it’s worth—my background is formal study in biblical text, including an MA (which, with $5 will get you a cup of coffee) and I work with a nonprofit that works with a variety of Bible translators and translation groups producing and distributing Bibles (translated from Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic) in 26 different languages.
I don’t claim to be a scholar, though—but I have a high respect for biblical translators. Most are not fundamentalist ideologues but truly try to make biblical text accessible and accurate.