I am sorry, but I haven’t read this all the way through. I will though! But I wanted to make a quick point — my father was a Pharmacist (D.Pharm) for 50 years who cautioned against statin drugs for cholesterol. (In fact, my cardiologist does not believe high cholesterol is problematic — you need it for brain function, and he does not prescribe statins).
My father told me that the real culprit was high homocysteine levels that ended up “binding” cholesterol to blood vessels. What I have skimmed through on your article seems to correspond with what he was telling me.
Thank you.
Oh, my dad eventually did die of congestive heart failure…at age 91. He took no drugs (he took supplements and vitamins), he did not suffer dementia or Alzheimers, he lived on his own small farm by himself until the last few months of his life, operated tractors and a tiller past his 89th birthday and died peacefully in our home surrounded by those he loved.
I add that last paragraph just as ancedotal data.